Thursday, September 10, 2009

And She's Off...

Oh the butterflies. No ME! Kyra asked "What are butterflies Mommy?!" I always had butterflies the first day of school and I think they were worse than ever today. Kyra's first day of Kindergarten.
She was so ready and excited!

We all were, Daddy stayed home too!

This is until she stepped on the bus. She got a little shy (I think the butterflies arrived), then the bus driver helped her find a seat and.....
Well, I don't know she's off. Now I guess I know the feeling "It is like sending your child off to Kindergarten." You hope that you have taught her well and that she is going to make the right decisions when you are not around. And patiently wait for her to come home so you can get every detail of the day. Or at least try. I am not expecting too much but I really want to know! Both Stephen and I held it together. That is until we got back inside the house and sat down for a morning snack with Mae, that is when it hit me. I asked Stephen if he had the urge to jump in the car and follow the bus, he did.
Mae is ready to do "anything I want in the craft room, scissors, color, glue" This is what I am super excited about...spending time with Mae. Which is what I am off to do...

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