Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bread Season

I love the cool days of fall bright sun light, windows wide open, and the smell of fresh bread baking. I have a great artisan bread recipe. I think this is the main reason I love the fall. But, also fall is just so cozy, the heat isn't turned on yet, nights are cool enough to wrap up in a blanket on the couch. Mmmmm can't wait for this evening.

I better come up with a cozy soup recipe to go with the bread for tonight.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

It's an Honor

Although I started this blog a few months ago I decided recently to share it with more of my friends and others on my e-mail list. Thank you to those of you who have visited! But, it is really an honor to receive first a phone call from a friend wanting her own reusable baggies (we made a trade deal!) Thanks Laura! Looking forward to my hat! And second I received a phone call hoping for a little inspiration for a gift to make. I suggested making some Tawashi scrubbers. These are my new quick project. Reusable sponges. Awesome! I somehow came across these while playing around on the internet one day, go figure.  I tried a few patterns and I ended up coming up with my own adaption of a pattern. I said I would post the pattern so some gifts could be made. By themselves or with a few dish cloths I think this would make a nice gift.

Thanks Anna! Hope this is fun and helpful!!!

Tawashi Scrubbie (adapted from a flower pattern in Crochet Today)
Round 1: Start with this awesome "Magic Adjustable Ring" Chain 1, work 14 single crochet into ring. join with slip stitch in first single crochet.
Round 2: Ch 1, single crochet in same single crochet as joining,*chain 3, skip one single crochet, single crochet in next single crochet. repeat from * 6 times more, join in first sc. There should be 7 chain 3 spaces.
Round 3: (flower petals) This is where I switch colors (join with slip stitch) Chain 1 in chain 3 space, *single crochet, half double crochet, double crochet, treble crochet, double crochet, half double crochet, single crochet Repeat from * 6 more times more in remaining chain 3 spaces, join.7 petals.
Round 4: This might be confusing. Chain 1, with right side facing work behind petals. *single crochet around post of first single crochet on round 2, chain 4, repeat from * 6 more times. There should be 7 chain 4 spaces.
Round 5: Chain 1, in chain 4 space *single crochet, half double crochet, 5 double crochet, half double crochet, single crochet, repeat from* 7 times total.
Round 6: Chain 1, with right side facing work behing petals. *single crochet around post of first single crochet on Round 2, chain 3, repeat from* 6 times more. 7 chain 3 spaces.
Round 7: With wrong side facing repeat Round 3, without switching colors.
Fasten off and weave in all ends.
Braid 7" piece and tie as hanging ring.

Below you can kind of see the 3 petals.

There you have it. I used a bamboo/wool blend. It did felt, and it looks cool, still works the same. I used bamboo because it is anti-microbal/bacterial and the wool makes it abrasive. Traditional Tawashi 's ( look at "other tawashi's") are made from acrylic and some even put some type of silver ions in to make it bacteria resistant. Why not use bamboo with its natural anti-bacterial properties. I have found that 100% bamboo is pretty silky, so I went for a natural blend. I will probably make some with organic cotton too. 100% bamboo would work well for face tawashi's. I made a few but haven't used them yet. And I made them smaller. Only one petal round and done. Maybe bye bye cotton balls.

It really is an honor that my friends and family are enjoying and appreciating this blog.
Thank you.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Cookie Day!

Mae Mae and I made cookies yesterday. I love cookie days!!! If we are baking it means that the weather is getting cooler. And I don't mind turning the oven on. I love the fall, this year it feels like a true fall, back to school, cool weather, and beautiful landscapes. I think Mae enjoyed herself today...

We all enjoyed the outcome!

I finished the day off with a birthday present...

Another simple gift to make with scraps of fabric. And this is one of my favorite fabric lines.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Date Night!

On Saturday night after the babes went to bed Stephen and I had date night. We never plan ahead of time to have a babysitter (I know we really should) but it didn't seem to matter we had a great evening at home together!
We made "real" popcorn. I have always been so attracted to the ease of microwave popcorn that I never gave it a second thought....

That is until recently we came across a Popcorn lady at the North Market in Colombus, OH. We bought a small sample and we made it together for our date night. This was EASY! And FUN!

And Yummy!

  On to a game of Dominoes, I got my butt kicked but it was a wonderful evening!

Friday, September 18, 2009

No More Plastic Bags!

It has been one week since school started. Besides trying to figure out our new schedule I am trying to figure out how to have less waste when it comes to lunch. I finally broke down and bought Sewing Green by Betz White. I had been admiring it for a while and decided that I should just add it to my budget. Anyway, she has a reusable sandwich wrap pattern in the book. I got to thinking and why not find a solution for baggies too. This is my solution...

For the wraps she used a PUL material, polyurethane lined fabric. I do not have any on hand so I lined it with nylon instead. As long as it does not get hot I'm pretty sure this is fine. I used Velcro for the closure. I thought this would be easiest for little hands to open.

Kyra loves them! I made one that she took to school yesterday, when she came home I had the other three to show her. "You made more mommy!"
When sewing I zig zagged around the outside wanting to keep the food as fresh as possible. I hope the nylon will help with this too. I tried one (below) with hemmed edges for a neater look and maybe less thread was used, but it took a lot longer. Plus I liked the others anyway.

The best part is they can go right in the wash! This was a fun and quick project. Besides being environmentally friendly they are economical. Which is always a plus in our home. I may have to make some for my friends!
We are pretty conscious about our plastic bag use, but I would still like to come up with a more Eco friendly way to freeze certain foods.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

And She's Off...

Oh the butterflies. No ME! Kyra asked "What are butterflies Mommy?!" I always had butterflies the first day of school and I think they were worse than ever today. Kyra's first day of Kindergarten.
She was so ready and excited!

We all were, Daddy stayed home too!

This is until she stepped on the bus. She got a little shy (I think the butterflies arrived), then the bus driver helped her find a seat and.....
Well, I don't know she's off. Now I guess I know the feeling "It is like sending your child off to Kindergarten." You hope that you have taught her well and that she is going to make the right decisions when you are not around. And patiently wait for her to come home so you can get every detail of the day. Or at least try. I am not expecting too much but I really want to know! Both Stephen and I held it together. That is until we got back inside the house and sat down for a morning snack with Mae, that is when it hit me. I asked Stephen if he had the urge to jump in the car and follow the bus, he did.
Mae is ready to do "anything I want in the craft room, scissors, color, glue" This is what I am super excited about...spending time with Mae. Which is what I am off to do...