Friday, October 23, 2009

Catching Up

We have been catching up with life around here. Getting rooms and furniture painted. Yes, actual projects getting done, I cannot believe it. We had a rainy weekend last weekend so we took advantage of it and got some stuff done. I have been rarely sitting at the computer. Today I figured I better sit down and pay some bills and catch up with my e-mailing and write a little blurb on here.

This is an old picture of our asparagus. I was cleaning up the garden yesterday thinking about how excited I am for this upcoming spring because we will finally get to eat some asparagus. It will be year three, yippee!The reason I am using an old picture is because my camera has been sent to the repair shop. BOOOOHOOOO. It seems unnatural to be not snapping picutres every minute I get. That just made me realize that I will not have it for Halloween. I thnk I have to dig up my old camera that I have been letting the girls use. hmmmmm where could that camera be......

Friday, October 9, 2009


Thrifting is my new weakness. One thrift store that I go to always has zippers. So I went for zippers...

But, I also came home with this....

100 % Wool, came with a skirt too. But, the buttons are the best part, great additions to anything I might make.
And this....

The bottom one is a skirt, tempting to wear for a season. But, even but I think it will be better if I felt it.
And the best find of all is this...

A $3.00 bolt of fabric. Many, many yards of this printed linen. I have no idea what I will end up doing with it but it is so great!!! Believe me I already have 2 million ideas!
Off to celebrate Stephen's birthday, happy weekend!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Mind Works Faster Than my Hands

I have been working in my studio whenever I get the chance. I really want to get an etsy account started to maybe get some products sold for Christmas gifts. I am hoping that if I post a little hint of what I have been making it will inspire me more to get that account going. It is up just not going. I have a million ideas in my head, I just need to produce some of them. Here are two hints of handbags that I have finished...

Do you like what you see so far? I have been using wool sweaters, felting them, and making bags. I have since come to find out that this is a new trend called upcycling. It is fun, I just wish I could use one of these bags for myself :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Off to the Orchard

Weekends are the best!

We spend Sunday picking Apples!

When we got home Stephen had cooked dinner. I love Crock Pot season. And I baked dessert, great teamwork if I do say so myself. We couldn't decide between apple crisp and apple pie. I made a mix of both, it turned out allright. It wasn't sweet enough, and no cinnamon, apples need cinnamon! I am going to have to try it again so we can really enjoy it!
We sure did have a nice weekend! Hope all of you did too!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Friday Night.....Pizza!

Friday night is pizza night around here. Tonight I made our Acorn Squash Pizza. YUMMY! Living in New York it is hard to top the pizza you can get at the pizza parlor. But, yes I said but, I think I have mastered a pizza recipe that we LOVE in our home.  I thought I would share. I will follow with a recipe but I feel like I have to say, try it before you judge. It sounds like an odd combination, but it is sooooo good together!! So good!

I originally got this idea off Food Network at some point, maybe Giada. But I have seen it other places too. Our adapted recipe...

Acorn Squash Pizza
1 Acorn Squash peeled and cut up into small pieces
1 onion, sliced thin
2 Tbls Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Tbls Maple Syrup, or Agave nectar, honey, something to sweeten it up.
Salt and pepper
Toss together and lay out on a cookie sheet in a single layer for roasting. Roast in 350 degree oven for about 20-30 minutes. Or until soft and golden.

1 pizza dough rolled out
1 cup mozzerella cheese sprinkled on dough
1/2 to 1 cup blue cheese sprinkled on top of mozzerella
Bake in 400 degree oven for 15-20 minutes, until cheese is golden.

Timing is tricky, you can do it all at the same time in the oven together *, it might just take a little longer.
Cook both until golden. Doing it together makes them ready at the same time, so you can enjoy it hot!

You could toss it with a little Olive Oil if you like, I usually don't. Throw this on the top right before you serve it and ENJOY!!!

Once you do this a couple times it is easy. And Yummy! Did I already say that?

Okay, so Mae won't eat the other pizza so I make a small personal pizza for her. I end up freezing single portions of sauce because I have learned. Kyra does eat the other pizza, and tonight she didn't even eat the "regular" pizza. So most of us devour the Acorn Squash pizza!

*note: for those of you who don't know we have a double oven so making 2 pizzas is a lot easier. Don't get envious, they are original from the house and kind of dangerous (hot on the outside) but on a night like this they sure do come in handy! Don't know what I will do if we ever decide to redo our kitchen, I might have to get rid of the convenience :(

Thursday, October 1, 2009

A Little Distracted...

I did have a follow up for the Bread Season Blog post. But, we have been busy around here. And, a little distracted today. This is Kyra before...

And this is after...

At least she is still smiling! Kyra was very brave at the dentist. As he put it he had to "Play Tooth Fairy." This was mostly to prevent a disaster, but as it turns out it was good we got it removed.
Anyway, I spent the end of the day making sure Kyra had some thing to put that tooth in tonight...

I think she is excited for the Tooth Fairy to come...