Monday, December 7, 2009

It's About the Process...

I thought it would be fun to make felt balls with the girls this weekend. I have never made them and how hard could it be, right?! And it was pretty simple, but it was definately about the process not the product. Kyra thought this was really cool and good at it. Mae started out good but ended up having more fun witht the soapy water. It was fun, but so much for thinking this might turn into some Christmas gifts.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Lets Talk Recycling

During a recent trip to the library I came accross two great books about Recycling Your Wardrobe. I have done this minimally throughout my life.... patches, cut off shorts, you know you probably did it too. But to make a whole new piece of clothing is very motivating. And after reading some good advice I started my mission by adding another pile when going through my closet this fall. Now I have the Keep pile, Give away pile, Throw away pile (things have always had to be pretty bad for me to actually throw them away), and now the Recycle Me pile. I am constantly longing for new clothes and a new wardrobe, but that is just NOT happening. So, with a few alterations to clothes that I haven't worn in a while, don't wear anymore or have just gone out of style I am coming up with new clothes for myself. And I am excited to wear them. A little too excited, I didn't take any  pictures of this sweater before I altered it.  My sister Amy is always telling me to "take before pictures!" I really do need to listen, before and after pictures are key! So my new sweater photo follows, but I do not have a before picture:(

I will explain since I do not have that "before" picture. This is a cotton Old Navy sweater that used to have long sleeves and the neck was open to right under my ribs. I didn't mind it, but just didn't wear it much. And this season I have been noticing the style is short sleeved sweaters with long sleeved t-shirts worn under. I liked the style and knew that this sweater would be perfect! It took me a few tries to get the sleeve length right but I think this is a keeper, at least for another season...

I am off to take pictures of my Recycle Me pile, just so I have them for when I decide to reuse something.

One year I tried trading clothes with my sisters, that worked really well too. And Amy has also been talking of a swap with a bunch of people. I really like that idea, I may have to do that here with my friends.

If anyone has more ideas please pass them on!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Beautiful Day

The sun is out, I already have my windows open. Is it really December in New York?! What else will this beautiful day bring? Why am I sitting at the computer....